Software Engineer
Skydance Interactive
Mar. 2021 - Nov. 2024
I entered the new era of remote work contributing to the Aftershocks DLC for The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, and following through with work on TWD: S&S - Chapter 2, which shipped in Dec. 2022.
In 2023, I began working as an engineer on Skydance's BEHEMOTH, which shipped in Dec. 2024.
Junior Software Engineer
Skydance Interactive
Sept. 2018 - Jan. 2020
Beginning as an engineer intern in July, I was brought on full-time to continue my work on The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, a VR title built in Unreal Engine 4.
C and Assembly Programming TA
WSU Vancouver
Spring 2017
As a grader, I was responsible for validating output of students' programs, and manually reviewing their code printouts to provide feedback on correctness, conceptual understanding, and style.
Research Assistant - Twitter Project
WSU Vancouver
Summer 2016
I performed exploratory statistical analysis on a large dataset of tweets using Python, pandas, and Hadoop MapReduce jobs. My main task was to write reusable scripts to compare word frequencies over time between tweets with and without a specified hashtag, and format their combined output for easy visualization using Matplotlib.
Junior 2D Game Design TA
DigiPen ProjectFUN
Summer 2013
I supervised and assisted in instruction for a summer workshop on game design and development to a class of about thirty 4th to 7th grade students. The goal of the course was for each student to build a simple game using one of DigiPen's proprietary C++ frameworks.
The majority of the students had no prior experience programming, so along with coordinating lesson plans with the primary instructor and other assistants, I was responsible for actively reviewing students' work to ensure that they would successfully reach milestones for their projects.